It has been a day for Birds.
I started on my 3 Bird Shrine boxes for the swap Palma is hosting over at milliande.
This is what I have done so far.
2 small boxes

Place side by side and cover with aluminium sticky back tape

after you have done this place an embellishment on the top,I have used a Sizzix bird.

And then cover this with more tape.

Press tape down and burnish around the bird with a burnishing tool.

use alcohol ink and Rub n Buff to colour.

Now they are ready to embellish and fill with goodies.
When I woke this morning I decided to go visit my elderly parents in BATH only 40 minutes away. They are both in very poor health, as some of you may know,my mother has severe memory problems and my father has Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is just about to have his last dose of chemo. I had to call into my local COSTCO to collect wild bird food for them it cost £26 and seems to have rocketed in price..Anyway this meant I was later than I intended getting to them and Dad had already been collected and taken to his weekly Hospice visit ,Mum was very confused so more delays as we searched for keys,bags,etc.I had said we would go into Bath for a coffee and a bite to eat which we did and I bought 30 small shrubs to plant in the back paddock.we spotted this Robin in the underground car park .

It is a fledgling Robin and it had most likely been trapped in the grill of the car.
As we were driving into the car park i managed to find myself in a BUS lane so I am hoping that does not mean a fine.
When I returned home I had received a copy of the journal page that Trine had made a while ago about my wish to have pink hair. Thank you Trine I am still looking at the tube of pink shampoo.

This is the photo which inspired Trine I had altered it with PICNIK.(this is not how i really look ) air brushing is wonderful.
A quick walk around the village followed and I posted the last 2 something fishy swap The Netherlands and the USA.
More birds the baby geese are growing fast

Watched by Mum/Dad

I spotted this on the verge I think I will make a Gnome shrine .

Liz over at milliande is hosting a Gnome Dotee swap which I had to drop out of but it should be fun to see what everyone does.
I am almost asleep writing this not a good idea with a lap top balanced on my lap.