Sunday, 29 May 2011



I have received the  first set of ATCS for my Bluebird of Happiness swap over at milliande. And they are are from my dear friend Trine in Denmark who as I have said before has a unmistakable Scandinavian style which I love.


Trine has used stamps and ink? to create wonderful cards.

Yesterday my husband wanted to go and see a Man about a Boat  six miles further up the River Severn ,but to reach the mooring we had to go through some very narrow country lanes  and I saw something I had not seen for a long time.Cows coming in from the field to be milked.We were running a little late so we could have done without the delay but it was fascinating to watch them walking past,it was even more interesting watching the teenage girl who looked as if she wished she was somewhere else.



my husband was quite concerned she was only wearing flip flops.


every now and then she would go and push one in the right direction




This farm is very close to where my son’s attended senior school and watching this yesterday bought back memories of the Foot and Mouth outbreak of 2001.

Some days the school had to close because so many fires were burning the carcasses of slaughtered livestock the air was acrid,and at night the sky was glowing red.

I hope we never ever see those sights again.


He got to see the boat.

I made a start on my sketchbook project journal yesterday ,to be honest my heart is not in this and I am not really sure why I signed up again. You are allowed to alter the journal as long as the dimensions stay the same and it is not more than 1 inch thick. So I decided to make a completely new journal with a 1 inch spine and I hope that is  O K.



This was my 2 prototype  covers I was quite pleased with the colours but I wanted to strengthen it some how. I remembered I had a Xyron  in the back of the cupboard which luckily had a laminating cartridge in it. These would not fit so I  made another cover in 3 parts ,laminated each piece and then assembled with eyelets.



My first thought was to try and find a small ring binder fitting to fit but if not I will do an concertina fold or I may just start all over again.

Watch this space.


  1. Mary, we went through the same thing here in Canada just two years ago, it was horrible. If you saw a plume of smoke on the horizon you knew that a farmer had been struck with this terrible disease and was disposing of his animals. We had heavy horses at the time and lived in fear for months. Great start on your sketchbook project, I'm with you on the "not feeling it" this year. But if there's anybody that can find the inspiration it is you!!

  2. Mary, I think you have done a fantastic job on your cover!! I have not signed up for the sketchbook yet and not sure whether I will. Trine's ATCs are awesome!! The cows coming home for the milking reminds me of Switzerland:-) Last time we were there we went to a tiny farming village and David was very surprised to see the cows walking themselves through the village across the square and into the stable for the milking with no person to be seen anywhere guiding them:-)

  3. love Trines ATCs..thought it was funny about the woman in flip flops and hope you never see those dreadful fires again..will post my ATCs to you soon and you have plenty of time to do your sketchbook so dont fret the ideas will come when you least expect but I must say I do like the cover

  4. Love the cows...I used to work on a dairy farm in college, cows are sweet.
    Nice covers and the ATC's are great!
    My internet explorer is not working properly...that's why I'm coming up as annonymous
    Harvest moon
